During the Cumulus 2Q Earnings conference call with fiancial analysts Tuesday, Michael Kupinski with Noble Financial Group, Inc. asked one of the most anticipated questions of the call. Kupinski asked Lew Dickey, “Do you -- as a firm, do you make money on Rush Limbaugh?”
Dickey refused to talk about Rush.
Well, on that, Mike, I've got to refer you back to the last thing that I said, which is we -- in the prepared remarks, which is we really don't want to get into that subject today and we're in the middle of a negotiation, and we'll have more to say on that when we do. And I can't tell you exactly when that'll be, but it will likely be sooner than later. And we'll have more to say on that topic when we have a resolution. And what was the other -- what was the question before that?
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