The fate of Nielsen’s proposed $1.26 billion purchase of Arbitron likely lies with ESPN, The NYPost has learned.
The sports-media giant licenses software from Arbitron for a new project that enables it to tell how often viewers are watching the network over television, radio, PCs, smartphones and tablets.
The license expires soon, and the ability of ESPN to squeeze a promise from Nielsen that it will be able to continue to license the software is likely integral to the merger getting federal approval, sources said.
ESPN Senior VP Artie Bulgrin has been speaking to the Federal Trade Commission about the licensed software, which it calls “Project Blueprint,” a source close to the matter said. “There is nothing settled,” the source added.
The FTC is scheduled to make a decision this week on whether to sue to block the tie-up.
Nielsen, with its old-school technology of giving families boxes to gauge their TV choices, wants to buy radio ratings giant Arbitron in part to get hold of its new “Portable People Meter” technology. Nielsen developed its own people meter but, sources noted, it’s not as effective.
Regulators are concerned that if Nielsen controls the old and new technologies it will be impossible for competitors to emerge, sources said.
Regulators are concerned that if Nielsen controls the old and new technologies it will be impossible for competitors to emerge, sources said.
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